Sunday, February 5, 2012

Eye of Horus- For Good Fun.

Although this is not part of 20 Days of Makeup, I was still incredibly inspired to re-create Lady Gaga's Eye of Horus look. If you haven't caught the Tumblr post, seek the right column of the blog for the link.  When researching the Eye, I found very interesting information on the meanings behind each line. 

The entire eye measured 1 heqat. And each of the parts of the eye measured fractions of the heqat.

These are the parts of the EYE and their corresponding associated fraction values :
The corresponding sense data are :
1/64 heqat Touch
1/32 heqat Taste
1/16 heqat Hearing
1/8 heqat Thought
1/4 heqat Sight
1/2 heqat Smell

This information only scratches the surface of the information behind the design. I found this data on

Killer, eh?

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