Monday, February 7, 2011

Through Sickness and In Health.

Today is the first day Ive been dreadfully sick in almost a year.
Unfortunately I had to walk out of my yoga class early, but other than that, I cant complain.

I slept in and woke up to hours of Sex and the City: not just my new obsession, but the only TV show I enjoy other than It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.

If I've caught the mean reds or even the blues, I turn to a Coco Chanel movie or my all time favorite, Breakfast At Tiffany's; but lately, my eyes have been glued to the lives of four Manhattan women who seem to have all the right answers, except in their wardrobe..

Thanks to E! and a thoughtful birthday gift, I'm starting at season one-where awful '90's fashion could be at its lowest. I know these girls live their lives fashion forward, but does that mean Carrie has to wear a bucket hat?

Regardless, I'm in love with the saucy love lives of this fab four, and cannot help but use a few tricks in my own love game.
Whether I'm up or down, sick or healthy, i can always rely on my favorite people being there :)